The Tel Aviv bus bombing has reminded us in the cruellest possible way that the Iron Dome anti-missile defence system is not a substitute for real peace. The Netanyahu government has wasted four precious years in which it has spurned President Obama’s efforts, and ignored the pleas of the international community and Abu Mazen (President Mahmoud Abbas) to finally bring an end to the Occupation. Netanyahu prefers settlements over peace, and a Hamas-controlled Gaza over an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. And to add insult to injury he carried out an ostentatious military and assassinated Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari. In January 1996 Shimon Peres’s government assassinated Yahya Ayyash (“The Engineer”) and a wave of suicide attacks swept the country. Netanyahu won the election that year when he rode the wave of nationalism and hatred. His conduct today shows the direction to which he wants to lead us. Rejectionist policies leading to another Intifada,. Today more than ever we need to issue a strong call: Bibi Netanyahu, Shelly Yachimovich, Ehud Barak Go home – citizens’ lives are more worthy.
Da’am Workers Party calls for the immediate cessation of fighting, withdrawal from the Occupied Territories, and thus prove a real intention for peace.
Translated by Sol Salbe
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