DAAM Workers Party
O.D.A – Organization of Democratic Action
Main office: Ph: +972-3-5373271. Fax: +972-3-5373269. P.O.Box 35252, Tel Aviv 61351
About the Author

Daam proposes an Israeli/Palestinian Green New Deal, both as a response to the current political-economic crisis and to create a basis for true cooperation between the two peoples. It is a plan that can end the conflict, abolishing the apartheid regime that Israel has imposed since 1967. It can replace the Occupation with a partnership based on civil justice, which will grant full civil rights to Palestinians equally with Israelis in the framework of a single state.
Dear Da’am Workers Party,
The Taliban returned to Kabul and restored their emirate. Filmmakers, women and artists in Afghanistan are now in danger. The world cannot abandon Afghanistan. I hope the Da’am Workers Party can call for not recognizing the legitimacy of the Taliban regime and giving humanitarian aid to the Afghan people.
I am curious about Da’am Workers Party’s answer.
This is not a comment, this is question.
Dear reader(s),
With great interest I followed your webinar discussion: After the war on Gaza etc. last Saturday. And I was intrigued by the ‘grand desing’ (my words) of Yacov Ben Efrat about the perspective of an Arabian Commonwealth, including (of course) all Jewish people living in this region.
When I say ‘grand desing’ I do not mean to be negative; I should not. After two world wars in Europe also the formation of the EU starting in the fifties was a ‘grand design’. And somehow it still holds.
So my question is: where can I find more information about this idea of an Arabian Commonwealth?
When I used the search function on your website and looked for this Arabian Commonwealth I did not get a hit. So where to find more?
I hope you can refer me to any more elaborated content about this idea.
My best wishes to you all.
The idea of a “Arabian Commonwealth” is of my vision based on the historical experience of the Middle East since the Nasser Revolution in Egypt which expanded through North Africa to the all Middle East. The second half of the 20th century was characterized by the bureaucratic military regimes that ended with the Arab Spring. The struggle for democracy and modernization led by the intellectuals and youth in the Arab world was a generalized fenomena that brought down all the military regimes while not completing its mission for different reasons and especially the political, organizational and programmatic weakness, indifference in the West and foreign intervention by countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia. Today when Biden is preaching for democracy against autocracy after autocrats took over the global stage and even threatened American democracy itself while intervening on behalf of Trump, on one side and the massive immigration of refugees to Europe that gave way to the rise of rightist nationalist movements we can see the price that the world is paying for its complacence with the brutal suppression of the Arab Spring. In a nutshell, if you look for a perspective of an “Arab Commonwealth” look into the Arab Spring, the harbinger of such new Commonwealth based on common values of Democracy, Equality, Social and Climate Justice.
Hello, I am a lone soldier from the United States serving in the Israeli Army. I am a socialist, I am against the current form of our state. I am also a pacifist. I joined the military to help everyone, as a duty to both jews and Arabs and all who live in our motherland. I am not a combat soldier and refuse to carry a weapon, but still take pride in serving in the army as I seek to defend our country Israel-Palestine. I would like to join the party and know how to vote for you.
I would like to make clear I am not a violent revolutionary. I am a pacifist and against all violence of any kind. I seek not a violent Revolution but a peaceful one. I am strongly against the PFLP, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and consider them terrorists. I am against any Palestinian OR Israeli movement that seeks violence, including those in the army that commit war crimes.
Hello Moshe.
Please leave your contact details here and we’ll get back to you soon.